Verein der gotischen Sprache n. e. V.

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Verein der gotischen Sprache n. e. V.

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    Wörterliste - Speisen und Getränke I


    Anzahl der Beiträge : 30
    Anmeldedatum : 25.05.11

    Wörterliste - Speisen und Getränke I Empty Wörterliste - Speisen und Getränke I

    Beitrag  Admin Sa Jun 04, 2011 6:31 am

    Wörterliste - Speisen und Getränke I
    Mit einem Sternchen versehene Wörter sind bereits überliefert. (Vorsicht: Im Gegensatz zur sonstigen Praxis!)

    Getränk: þata dragk *(st. N.)
    Speise: sa mats *(st. M.)
    Futter: so fōdeins *(st. W.) (umgangssprachlich für Essen unter Beibehaltung der ursprünglichen Bedeutung: Futter)
    Reis: sa reiza (sw. m.)
    Nudel: so niuþila (st. W.)
    Knödel: sa kniuþilas (st. M.)
    Pommes: sa paúms (st. m. Sg.), þái paúmos
    Pizza: so pizza (st. w.)

    Cola: þata cola (undekl. n.)
    Sprite: þata sprite (undekl. N.)
    Fanta: þata fanta (undekl. N.)
    => Neutrum wegen: ”dragk” – Trank/Getränk

    sa te (st. M.) (Das s fällt aus, da e kurz; te kommt aus dem Chinesischen)
    Kaffee: sa kahva (st. m.)
    Brot: þata brauþ *(st. N.) (vgl. Isländisch: brauð)
    lecker: goþs du laigōn (Besser wäre eine kürzere Form, die etymologisch mit diesem Ausdruck zusammenhängt. Was wäre mit galaigōnds?)
    Küche: so kuþina (st. W.)
    kochen: kukan (sw. V. Kl. III) (oder kokan?)
    Pfanne: so panna (st. w.)
    braten: brasōn *(sw. V. Kl. II), bredan

    Wie immer bitte ich um Verbesserung, Kommentare und Feedback.
    þagka jah liufos goleineis,

    Zuletzt von Admin am So Jul 03, 2011 6:33 am bearbeitet; insgesamt 2-mal bearbeitet

    Anzahl der Beiträge : 12
    Anmeldedatum : 28.06.11

    Wörterliste - Speisen und Getränke I Empty Re: Wörterliste - Speisen und Getränke I

    Beitrag  Friþureiks Di Jun 28, 2011 10:56 pm

    I find this useful since me and another swedish friend discussed that it is better to create a vocabulary of every-day-words before we create scientific words.

    Just for now I have a few remarks on the list. Why do you use þana for neutre words when I should be þata?
    The word for rice should in my oppinion not have diphthong but rather long i /ei/. Maybe *reis.

    If I understood you correctly you used * (sternchen [cute word by the way]) for attested words and not for your neoligisms.
    The * is often used for recreated forms which are not attested, so this might be confusing.

    The word for braten is probably ok but I would add bredan [bre:ðan] too it. This would be direct cognate to the german word braten and it is probably attested in crimean gothic 'breen', (a word which I suppose should have been breiden [bri:(ð)ən])

    Anzahl der Beiträge : 30
    Anmeldedatum : 25.05.11

    Wörterliste - Speisen und Getränke I Empty Re: Wörterliste - Speisen und Getränke I

    Beitrag  Admin Mi Jun 29, 2011 11:07 am

    Oh, I'm sorry, that was a slip of a pen. Wink
    Is reis then still weak masculine? Or should it be reisa?
    I changed now one sternchen to two sternchen. The reason, why I haven't marked the reconstructed words is, that I were just to lazy and in an asthetical conflict, because when every word has this sternchen it looked ugly. Wink When I'm going to put the words into a real final form I will propably change them into the right form.
    Which class does bredan has then?
    What do you say to the other questions? What would your idea be for "delicious"?
    Is it kukan or kokan?

    Anzahl der Beiträge : 12
    Anmeldedatum : 28.06.11

    Wörterliste - Speisen und Getränke I Empty Re: Wörterliste - Speisen und Getränke I

    Beitrag  Friþureiks Do Jun 30, 2011 3:51 am

    The gender might depend on the form. The greek word from where it comes (originally from sanskrit) has Όρυζα or in modern greek Ρύζι. The first should perhaps yield *aureiza in gothic. I don't know for sure but I think it is neutre. In analogy with sister languages the initial 'au' should be deleted and leave reiza (perhaps du to a misinterpretation of Όρυζα as Ό ρυζα = the rice). Then it should be masculine both because the "misinterpretation" and also because e.g. german use it as masculine. Hence it must be weak to fit the gothic declenation system.

    *Reiza (wm) = Rice

    I think I have to think a little bit more about your other questions and come back later with answers.

    btw. sternchen = *stairnilo (wn) (or *astairisks)

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